My german sherperd dog is already 10 months old. She is still very shy with other dogs. Even a very small size dog can chase her. If other dogs approach her aggresively, she submited immediately. I would like her to play with other dogs happily with confidence. Most dogs she met in off-leash park were very nice(not as aggressive as she thought). Please give me some tips on how to train her to be confident like a gsd should be.
Unfortunately, while GSDs are *supposed* to be confident, many are not. Many in the US are products of back yard breeders and because of this they are prone to improper temperament. Also, at ten months old, she is still very much a baby. You wouldn't expect a toddler to stand up to a bullying teenager no matter how small or dorky that teenager was. It is your job to get in there when other dogs approach her aggressively and get her out of the situation/prevent the other dog from approaching. As someone else mentioned, I would rather have a dog that submits to even the smallest dog than one that is fearful or aggressive to them…especially a breed like the GSD with it's dubious public relations/reputation.
As for increasing confidence, you stepping in and ending the situation when you feel that she is becoming overwhelmed will go a long way. After all, everyone's braver when they know someone's got their back if they should run into trouble. Also, basic obedience will do wonders for a dog's self confidence…especially if you use positive training methods. As she learns what you are asking/expecting of her she will become more confidant as she realizes that she knows what it is you want. GSD's are frequently happy to please their owners and if she knows she's making you happy then she will be more confidant in her abilities.
Mar 31, 2024 | | dogs
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Mar 31, 2024 | | dogs
We have young children, and quite a few cats (We're a bengal cat breeder). We want a dog that can thrive with the chaos that can often be associated with life with a family. The dog would be fixed. We don't particularly have a ton of spare time, so we don't want a long haired dog, besides the fact I'm somewhat allergic. We don't mind a small dog, but we DON'T want a yipper. Both my husband and I will be working, but it won't ever be alone, it'll always have the cats here, and two of them absolutely adore dogs, if anything, they'll sleep with it and follow it around, play with it. Large, or small, it doesn't really matter; but it needs to be somewhat easily trained, especially if a larger dog; we don't have problem putting the time into it that it need to train, but it's going to grow up with young kids, and we need it to pick up new commands with some work. It'll be taken for walks, up to 45 mins a day, but would most likely not have a yard to run in. What dog would suit our needs?
I'll repeat, we don't want a yipper. Or a long haired dog. Otherwise, we'll all for any ideas.
hope u manage to read this from all those long answers, but I would have to say my bread of dogs. Their beagle/chow mixes and they are so friendly, they love to be petted and dont harm my cats. Truthfully, my cats whack my dogs if they try and sniff them, although my dogs still dont fight them.
Id suggest you look for beagles or beagle/chow mixes because they are nice, like attention, and (as far as im concerned) dont attack cats
Mar 31, 2024 | | dogs
My dog is a minituare Schnauzer, but he's really big for a minituare. Well my dogs problem is that he always barks and growls at other dogs, even ones that are twice his size. He can't confront other dogs because there either scared of him, or they get pissed off at my dog. There are only a few dogs my dog confront calmly. I think my dog only growls because he's excited, because once he meets the dog he's very gentle and just sniffs around. How do I fix my dogs problem, I know one way to fix it is to get another dog for him to play with. But my family does not want another dog.
It's hard to introduce him to dogs because people just walk away at my barking dog lol.
i have a m. schnauzer myself, and he is like that too. its a natural thing in their breed. especially if your dog is not used to being around other dogs, like mine. i dont think you CAN actually fix it, maybe just train him. schnauzers really are aggressive towards other dogs anyway, so its up to you whether you want your dog to change or just be ''natural''. i'm fine with my dog just like that. i pretend he's protecting me .
Mar 31, 2024 | | dogs