What breed of dog would be the most compatible for me and my family?
I live with my parents and my dad is talking about gettting a dog. We have 2 cats- one is almost 14 and the other one is 7 years old. Dad's cat passed away in February of this year and he's been talking about getting a dog ever since. Dad talks about getting a Lab or a border collie, but I don't think either one of those dog breeds would be the most compatible with our 2 cats. Mom's 7 year old cat is very territorial of the back porch and attacks any animal that comes on or near it and my 14 year old cat runs whenever an animal comes in the house. Mom's alllergic to dog hair, so we can't have a longhaired breed dog. What kind of dog gets along well with cats, because Dad's starting to get serious about getting a dog?
I think you are absolutely right! Border Collies are high-intensity, high-drive working dogs. They require a LOT of exercise, and preferably a job to do or they can be insane to live with. We're talking at least two thirty minute STRENUOUS runs every day, not a casual 3 mph walk around the block. Many Border Collies end up in the pound because people can't deal with their herding instincts, car chasing and odd behavior (like guarding pots and pans!)
Labs can be very powerful and playful, and could easily hurt a cat without even meaning to. Plus they shed terribly and aren't good for people with allergies. I'm surprised your mom could tolerate cats if she really is allergic to dog hair - usually it's the other way around. Your mom should spend at least a few hours at the breeder's home to see if it bothers her.
With cats, you definitely shouldn't get a terrier!
I'd suggest going with an English Cocker Spaniel (NOT the American Cocker!) or an English Springer Spaniel or a Welsh Springer Spaniel or a Portugese Water dog or a Curly Coated Retriever or an Irish Water Spaniel. (Maybe even a Havanese or a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen - but I don't know any personally. You'd have to go to dog shows and check them out.) These are somewhat rare breeds - check out www.ack.org for breeders. The PWD, CCR and IWS look a bit like Standard poodles, but they're not as high energy. They're easy to train and don't shed much at all. The IWS and the PWD tend to be on the shy side, so make sure you get her out and socialize her while she's young. And because they don't shed, they're going to need more grooming than the average dog.
BEFORE you get a puppy, I'd also suggest reading some really good books on training. Try not to do it randomly - there are a lot of bad books out there also! These are some of my favorites:
What All Good Dogs Should Know - Volhard
Good Owners, Great Dogs - Brian Kilcommins
Dog Tricks : Eighty-Eight Challenging Activities for Your Dog from World-Class Trainers by Haggerty and Benjamin
Don't Shoot the Dog - Pryor
Training Your Dog: The Step by Step Method - Volhard
Dog Problems - Benjamin
Cesar's Way - Cesar Millan
Also, watch the Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel. Cesar Millan is the best trainer I've ever seen on TV.
Mar 31, 2024 | 45 | dog