Do you love your dog? Of course you do . Proper dog care and training will ensure you and your dog spend many precious years together. Proper nutrition and exercise will help your dog live a long and fruitful life. You wouldn’t feed yourself garbage, would you?
The same goes for your dog. Reading the labels on the dog food will make sure that your dog is getting the best nutrition, which is important to good health. Exercising is paramount to keeping your dog young. A daily exercise regime keeps your dog healthy and happy. Taking your dog out for a daily walk does both you and your dog good.
A well trained dog lessens the stress level in both you and your dog. A dog that barks, is aggressive, pees in the house, runs out open doors,etc. causes stress on both of you. If you want a healthy and happy dog then proper training is a must. The old adage
“you can’t teach old dogs new tricks” is not correct. Bad behavior can be unlearned and replaced by good behavior. Dogs yearn to be loved, and will try to please, so it is easy to train your dog if you know how. To have a happy and healthy dog, proper dog care and training is a must. For a more comprehensive must have manual on solving bad behavior check out dog training.
Technorati Tags: dog, dogcareandtraining, dogs
Aug 13, 2024 | | dog care and training
I love dogs. I wanted to create a blog that enhanced the relationship between our best friends and their mates. Due to health problems I haven’t been as active as I want to be with informative articles. I have asked some friends to submit helpful articles on care and training. We will try to submit at least two per week. I appreciate the comments everyone has submitted and welcome any and all to continue. If you have any valuable information to share enter it in the comment section and I will transfer it into an appropriate section. Thanks to everyone who has commented on this blog and shared with others their experience. If you will indulge me with a story about my own best friend. Chase knows when I am having a bad day and will lay on the bed with me with his head on my stomach. He will lay for hours that way. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.
Technorati Tags: dog, thank you
Mar 23, 2024 | | Uncategorized
Recently a friend asked me about dog food. In the back of his mind he was still thinking about the issue of contaminated dog food which occurred a few years back. I assured him that the quality control in the multi-billion dollar industry is probably as good as the food industry. There are fewer dog food recalls then human food recalls.
He then asked about what is the best food to feed his friend. My choice is a dry dog food. I told him to read the labels. Choose a dog food that has meat and or fish as the first ingredient, vegetables as a second one. I also told him to watch for artificial colors. You don’t have to buy the most expensive but stay away from the store brands.
In conclusion I treat both of us once a month with bacon. I get the bacon and he gets the grease. I also get a belly laugh watching dig through the food and picking only the greased pieces.
Technorati Tags: dog, dog food
Jul 31, 2024 | | dog food
Normaly I try to help you with care and training of your beloved dog. Today I am asking for help dealing with the lose of my friend. On the Labor Day weekend he began to have seizures and of course we were worried about Jasper. We were blessed with his presence as a six month puppy and had a long and very richful life with each other. To put Jasper to sleep was the most traumatic event of my life. The final look he gave me caused mixed emotions. Was he telling me thank you , or saying Mom and Dad why are you leaving me here. I wish dogs could talk and tell use what they are thinking. Jasper we miss you and your picture will always hang above my desk. Goodby my dear friend, you will sorrowfully be missed!
I would like to thank everyone who sent their kind words on the passing of our friend. It has been a long time since I have up-dated this site. The pain of putting Jasper to sleep lasted a long time. It was like losing one of our kids or grandkids as weird as that sounds. Now I would like to introduce everyone to Chase, our new puppy. He is one year old and full of life.
Sep 14, 2024 | | Uncategorized
To say that dogs are man’s best friend is anything but a cliché. You might be the most miserable person in the world without a friend to your name… but your dog will treat you like royalty every time you walk through the door.
Do you know what to do if he goes into shock? Do you know how to make a killer doggie breakfast? Do you know how to interact with your dog every day in a way that establishes you as the leader of the pack but still your pooch’s best bud? Do you make up for the hours you leave him alone every day without a bit of company or interaction? If your answer to any of these questions was no, then find out how you can do all of this and more as well as help your dog live a longer, happier life!
Are you positive you could recreate those natural doggie treats you see in the store, but just don’t know where to start? Here’s the perfect place to begin! Make everything from simple bone-shaped treats to doggie sushi… and share the goodies with your pup. It’s easier than you think! You’ll read:
“I was constantly sent to the vet because my owner was always super worried about me. I bought Secrets to a Healthy and Happy Pooch for him and now he knows how to look after me the right way. Now before he races to the vet he flicks through your e-book and finds out what to do. Thank you Calvin for putting everything to do with dog health in an easy to read format.. ”
- Tyke
New Ways to Nurture Her with Nutrition! (Page 11)
How to make your workout work for your dog, too! (Page 38)
Fun Field Trips You Can Take with the Rest of the Pack. (Page 41)
One-Click Information Access - Each section is presented in an item-by-item format, and each question is linked directly from the table of contents.
Sep 03, 2024 | | Uncategorized
A practical guide to guarantee you and your new
“man’s best friend” enjoy a great life together.And you don’t need to be a dog expert to have a great “man’s best friend”.
I just want to know…what are the basic guidelines and checklists I should follow to make choosing the right dog a lot easier?
If you have any interest at all in getting a dog … if you want to find out what type of dog you should get… or you just want to figure out whether you should get a dog or not… then this website was written just for you.
Free Bonus E-Book #1:
How To Potty Train Your Dog or Puppy
This great eBook will show you how to effectively potty train your puppy or new dog. Learn the most effective methods to puppy training your dog now!
Usually sells for $12.00, yours for free now!
Sep 03, 2024 | | Uncategorized
Pet health insurance
Pet health insurance is highly required nowadays because of the escalating cost factors pertaining to the health maintenance in dogs and other animals. Dog owners need to find pet insurance firms that settle dues to the pet owners without much delay and in a more appropriate manner. Pet health insurance firms recently come forward to settle the dues in a proper manner after the due verification of the claim. If anything happens, dog care costs can add up without insurance.
Hence, know the approved list of your local animal care hospitals. Even have the list of veterinary experts who are specialized in dog’s health care and disease management measures. Many firms cover up the cost made towards undertaking of surgeries, radiographic examinations, treatment of specific conditions, laboratory fees towards undertaking of various laboratory examinations, and more. There is a weighting period before the approval of your policy by most of the insurance firms after the enrolling from you so it’s good to start early.
If you don’t like the insurance firm, at any time, you can cancel the insurance policy. A licensed veterinarian list should be available with all insurance firms. Many payment options are available for the pet owners.
It is better to enroll the dogs or other pets before they become adults. The animals when they are young need to be enrolled as a priority.
It is always better to the consumers who are the dog owners. Before the dogs have any illness, accidents, or get into the pre-existing conditions as quoted by many pet health insurance firms, insurance coverage needs to be entered by the dog owners. The medical history of your dog will be subjected to the full review by the insurance firms, so start soon.
Jun 15, 2024 | | Uncategorized
Over the weekend the doting owner of two young lab mixes purchased Cocoa Mulch from Target to use in their garden.
They loved the way it smelled and it was advertised to keep cats away from their garden. Their dog Calypso decided that the mulch smelled good enough to eat and devoured a large helping. She vomited a few times which was typical when she eats something new but wasn’t acting lethargic in any way. The next day, Mom woke up and took Calypso out for her morning walk .. Half way through the walk, she had a seizure and died instantly.
Although the mulch had NO warnings printed on the label, upon further investigation on the company’s website, this product is HIGHLY toxic to dogs and cats.
Cocoa Mulch is manufactured by Hershey’s, and they claim that ‘It is true that studies have shown that 50% of the dogs that eat Cocoa Mulch can suffer physical harm to a variety of degrees (depending on each individual dog). However, 98% of all dogs won’t eat it.’
May 07, 2024 | | Uncategorized
My dogs eat the Ol' Roy dry dog food from those big bags, and it seems fine. But when this bag is all used up, is it okay to buy the same thing?
I just want to know what brands are contaminated and to avoid getting.
Don't feed them anything with wheat gluten in it.
Though it was mainly canned food that was recalled, they are now recalling some dry brands and treats as well.
Ol' Roy was on the list, so I would suggest buying something else just to be safe..
Mar 31, 2024 | | dog food
My german sherperd dog is already 10 months old. She is still very shy with other dogs. Even a very small size dog can chase her. If other dogs approach her aggresively, she submited immediately. I would like her to play with other dogs happily with confidence. Most dogs she met in off-leash park were very nice(not as aggressive as she thought). Please give me some tips on how to train her to be confident like a gsd should be.
Unfortunately, while GSDs are *supposed* to be confident, many are not. Many in the US are products of back yard breeders and because of this they are prone to improper temperament. Also, at ten months old, she is still very much a baby. You wouldn't expect a toddler to stand up to a bullying teenager no matter how small or dorky that teenager was. It is your job to get in there when other dogs approach her aggressively and get her out of the situation/prevent the other dog from approaching. As someone else mentioned, I would rather have a dog that submits to even the smallest dog than one that is fearful or aggressive to them…especially a breed like the GSD with it's dubious public relations/reputation.
As for increasing confidence, you stepping in and ending the situation when you feel that she is becoming overwhelmed will go a long way. After all, everyone's braver when they know someone's got their back if they should run into trouble. Also, basic obedience will do wonders for a dog's self confidence…especially if you use positive training methods. As she learns what you are asking/expecting of her she will become more confidant as she realizes that she knows what it is you want. GSD's are frequently happy to please their owners and if she knows she's making you happy then she will be more confidant in her abilities.
Mar 31, 2024 | | dogs